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The best choice chosen by a Customer

We are a company specializing in ERP and RFID solutions that provide customized solutions for customers.
It helps maximize the business value of customers by improving corporate productivity and work efficiency.

Contact us

If you fill out and send us your inquiry below, we will review it and reply as soon as possible.

Consent to the purpose of collecting and using personal information.

[Information on collecting and using personal information]

Yuseong Soft will notify and guide you of the following matters in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in processing the collection and use of information by companies/organizations and individuals.

1. Purpose of using information collection: Counseling and progression.
2. Collection/use items: name, contact information, e-mail address, mobile phone number, inquiry details, etc.
3. Period of retention and use: 6 months after the end of consultation, immediately upon request of deletion by the information provider.
4. In charge of personal information processing: Phone 02-2088-8829